The Ankara-Niğde Motorway is the unfinished section of the Trans-European Motorway (TEM) Highway, which also includes the Şanlıurfa-Habur section planned to be constructed in the future, starting from Edirne, passing through Istanbul, following Bolu, Ankara and Pozanti to reach Adana and Gaziantep and ending at Şanlıurfa.
With the completion of the mentioned route, Turkey will be connected without any interruption from the North to the South. For this reason, this part which has remained in between is of great importance in terms of continuing the uninterrupted line. In addition to this, it is also important that the tourism points along the route (Tuzgölü, Nevşehir Derinkuyu, Göreme, Cappadocia, etc.) are also provided accessibility.
5 Viaducts, 16 Highway Junctions, 13 Highway Bridges, 19 Junction Bridges, 10 Access Road Junction Bridges, 8 Access Road Bridges, 74 Overpass Bridges, 120 Underpasses, 666 Culverts, 10 Service facility and 14 Toll Stations.
Junction Bridge
Overpass Bridge